The theme for the dinner was “Summer in the Pays Basque” and the menu took its inspiration from the recent trip to the French Basque countries taken by our chef de cuisine Patrick MacWhorter.
Keep your eye on Café Presse’s website or this blog for info about the next Chef’s Dinner, coming in November 2016. And if you would like to be on our mailing list for events like this, please sign up for monthly newsletter here.
Eggs scrambled with piperade, on sliced baguette.
Spinach and sheep’s milk cheese croquetas.Local tomatoes with marinated salt cod, walnuts, creamy lemon vinaigrette and poached eggs.Penn Cove clams and Pacific calamari in sauce verteTolosa beans simmered with sweet peppers, chard, smoked paprika and Basque cider, garnished with boudin noir, grilled pork collar and braised pork short ribs.Natillas: poured custard flavored with lemon and cinnamon, peaches and almond shortbread