Ossau Iraty

Wrapping paper used by Monsieur and Madame Andre CHAHON of Morlanne, near Pau.  I encountered their stand inside la Moutet at the Tuesday Market in Orthez, where they were offering a range of their raw milk sheep’s cheeses.  This sample came wrapped around a wedge of their 12 month old Ossau Iraty, which is perhaps […]

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Wrapping paper used by Monsieur and Madame Andre CHAHON of Morlanne, near Pau.  I encountered their stand inside la Moutet at the Tuesday Market in Orthez, where they were offering a range of their raw milk sheep’s cheeses.  This sample came wrapped around a wedge of their 12 month old Ossau Iraty, which is perhaps

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The Tuesday Market in Orthez

There are two market days every week in Orthez.  Outdoors Saturday, in the parking lot of la Moutet, is the local farmer’s market that features only the bounty of the surrounding countryside, including offerings from farmers, meat producers and culinary artisans (and also a large selection of plants, vegetable starts, trees and flowers from the

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There are two market days every week in Orthez.  Outdoors Saturday, in the parking lot of la Moutet, is the local farmer’s market that features only the bounty of the surrounding countryside, including offerings from farmers, meat producers and culinary artisans (and also a large selection of plants, vegetable starts, trees and flowers from the

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Orthez, and how we decided to buy a house there.

October 7: During a morning ride to Paris’ Gare Montparnasse, our taxi driver let us know that train service throughout  France was disrupted due to a work stoppage organized by train conductors to protest a recent  stabbing of one of their colleges.  The TGV to Bordeaux left on time but stopped without explanation several times

Orthez, and how we decided to buy a house there. Read More »

October 7: During a morning ride to Paris’ Gare Montparnasse, our taxi driver let us know that train service throughout  France was disrupted due to a work stoppage organized by train conductors to protest a recent  stabbing of one of their colleges.  The TGV to Bordeaux left on time but stopped without explanation several times

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48 hours in Paris

The covered Beauvau market in Paris’s 12th Arrondissement is one of the oldest in the city.  It is cradled in the twin arms of the outdoor street market that runs up rue d’Aligre, from the rue de faubourg de Saint-Antione to rue Charenton; 0ne side of the street market features fresh produce and flowers ,

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The covered Beauvau market in Paris’s 12th Arrondissement is one of the oldest in the city.  It is cradled in the twin arms of the outdoor street market that runs up rue d’Aligre, from the rue de faubourg de Saint-Antione to rue Charenton; 0ne side of the street market features fresh produce and flowers ,

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Plat du Jour at Le Pichet: Raclette Savoyarde

What:  Raclette Savorarde to be featured Plat du jour at Le Pichet When:  During dinner only, beginning about October 7, 2011, until it is gone (the dinner special changes nightly…call Le Pichet to confirm that availability of Raclette) Where:  Le Pichet Just a quick note for those of you who are fans of Raclette Savoyarde:Normally

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What:  Raclette Savorarde to be featured Plat du jour at Le Pichet When:  During dinner only, beginning about October 7, 2011, until it is gone (the dinner special changes nightly…call Le Pichet to confirm that availability of Raclette) Where:  Le Pichet Just a quick note for those of you who are fans of Raclette Savoyarde:Normally

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Information Source for Food Politics

As discussed in a recent post, I spent some time recently reading Bethany Jean Clement’s post for the Stranger about Mark Bittman’s NY Times article on the cost of cooking at home verses that of fast food. I picked up a link recommendation from one of the posted comments that seems pretty interesting for those

Information Source for Food Politics Read More »

As discussed in a recent post, I spent some time recently reading Bethany Jean Clement’s post for the Stranger about Mark Bittman’s NY Times article on the cost of cooking at home verses that of fast food. I picked up a link recommendation from one of the posted comments that seems pretty interesting for those

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Dinner for $5 elicits support and controversy

It seems like the idea of challenging people to cook a homemade dinner for less than $5 per person is popping up on a lot of people’s lips these days.  The basic idea is simple enough:  to encourage people to discover for themselves that, for the price one would pay at a fast food restaurant

Dinner for $5 elicits support and controversy Read More »

It seems like the idea of challenging people to cook a homemade dinner for less than $5 per person is popping up on a lot of people’s lips these days.  The basic idea is simple enough:  to encourage people to discover for themselves that, for the price one would pay at a fast food restaurant


Local Pumpkin to Compete in the Nationals

Monsieur Bergeroo of Orthez, in the Pyrénées Atlantique department (that’s right, the town were my wife and I have recently purchased a home for our retirement) is once again competing in the Concours National, the competition to find the largest pumpkin in France.  Evidently, the Bergeroo family is known for really big pumpkins; according to

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Monsieur Bergeroo of Orthez, in the Pyrénées Atlantique department (that’s right, the town were my wife and I have recently purchased a home for our retirement) is once again competing in the Concours National, the competition to find the largest pumpkin in France.  Evidently, the Bergeroo family is known for really big pumpkins; according to

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Green Plate Special hosts end of Summer Open House

As an added bonus to my market visits this week, Green Plate Special was hosting an open house last Friday evening on the same night as and just across the intersection from the Madrona Farmer’s Market .  Green Plate Special is an urban farm/school project that is the brainchild of Seattle chef Laura Dewell, who,

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As an added bonus to my market visits this week, Green Plate Special was hosting an open house last Friday evening on the same night as and just across the intersection from the Madrona Farmer’s Market .  Green Plate Special is an urban farm/school project that is the brainchild of Seattle chef Laura Dewell, who,

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This week in the Farmer’s Markets

  As the September equinox approaches, bringing with it the official first day of Fall, Seattle has been enjoying one of the warmest stretches of Summer.  The evening when I visited the Madrona farmer’ market recently felt like an evening in July, with many people strolling idly, the park full of couples chatting on benches

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  As the September equinox approaches, bringing with it the official first day of Fall, Seattle has been enjoying one of the warmest stretches of Summer.  The evening when I visited the Madrona farmer’ market recently felt like an evening in July, with many people strolling idly, the park full of couples chatting on benches

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