In the interest of fairness and honesty, here is an update on a post from last week about making grape jam. In that post, I mentioned (a bit snidely, I am afraid) that the older woman at the Saturday farmer’s market in Orthez, from whom I purchased grapes for jam making, promised a bulk discount but then miscalculated that discount in her favor…so much for faith in human nature.
Well, hold on, because the next Saturday, when shopping at the market, the same woman rushed up to grab my arm and say how happy she was to have found me again. Evidently, after I left her stand with my grapes, she had realized her mistake fearing that we would think that she had cheated us simply because we were foreigners, had searched the market and put her fellow venders on alert to look for a “tres grand” americain. Not having had any luck, she had had to await the next Saturday market day in the hope that we would again be shopping.
She then make up for her error in calculation by giving us a big bag or grapes.
Makes my cynical old heart warm.