Lately, I have had the odd experience of people, some I know and some I don’t, coming up to me and saying “Hey great interview on Eater”. The surprise is not that so many people read Eater.com…as a person past 50, I have come to accept that there are a lot of people who read things on line that I either don’t follow very closely or have no idea as to what they are.
Or that people I don’t know occasionally recognize me…after all, the article has a photo.
The surprise is that the article and interview, written by Julien Perry of Eater.com, seems to have have struck a chord with people. The article is one in a series that examines what makes some restaurants last while others disappear after a few years. I have a few theories on that subject, or at least concerning why people have continued to do us the great favor of dining at Le Pichet after more than 13 years in business.
Well, I am glad people have enjoyed the article and seemed to have appreciated my thoughts on the restaurant game, thanks for your interest! My wife would say that I enjoy hearing myself talk, so no surprise, I enjoyed it as well. If you haven’t seen it and are interested, here is a link.