Help me plan Cooking Classes in 2013

Some of you may remember back in 2009 when I offered several cooking classes exploring the basic techniques of French country cooking.  I have always very much enjoyed giving classes; Unfortunately,  I haven’t really had the opportunity during the last few years.  It is a pleasure for me to pass on  techniques that I have learned over the years and to have the chance to meet people who share my passion for France,  and cooking and eating French food.

I am pleased to announce that I am making plans to begin offering classes again in 2013.  And I am hoping to enlist your help in designing these classes.  I would like to ask for your opinion on a number of factors regarding the organization and topics covered by classes, information which I will then use to shape classes’ times, lengths and curriculum.

If you would like to offer your input to the design of my classes, please cut and paste the  Cooking Class Input Form below into an email, along with your opinions, and email them to me at

Thanks so much for taking the time to help me with your input.   I will post on this blog more info about upcoming classes when it is available.


1)  In your opinion, what would be the ideal length for a class?  1 hour?  2 hours?  3 hours?  Other?

2) What is the best day of the week for you to attend a class?  Time?  Evenings during the week?  Sunday afternoons?

3)  In the past, I have offered individual classes  as well as series of classes (several classes on  related topics, over the course of several weeks that are offered as a group).  Which is more attractive to you?

4)  Would you prefer hands-on classes or demonstration-style classes?  In general,the more hands-on a class is, the smaller the number of dishes that can be prepared.

5)  What are some topics you would like to see covered in a cooking class?  Specific region (Basque; Normandie; Paris bistrot; other)?  Charcuterie?  Fish?  Pastry? Slow cooked stews?  Other?

6)   Which of the following elements would you like to see included in a cooking class?
Wine pairings
Tasting of items prepared
Full dinner included
Recipes included
Market visits

7)  What other elements would you like to see in a cooking class that have not been mentioned here?

8)  Would you like to be included on an email list to receive information about class offerings in the future?  If so, what is your email address?

Thanks so much for taking the time to reply.  I look forward to your feedback and to seeing you at class in 2013.


10 thoughts on “Help me plan Cooking Classes in 2013”

  1. 1. 3 hours
    2. 7pm weekday evenings, Saturday mornings or Sunday late afternoons
    3. Individual Classes
    4. Hands-on
    5. Regions, pastry, Soups/Stews, Cheese/Wine pairings
    6. Wine pairings, Tasting of items prepares, Dinner, recipes

    I just returned from Paris and already missing the wonderful food and ambience of a well cooked french meal! Tonight I’ll be dining at Cafe Presse for the first time. Please add me to your email list. Cooking classes would be wonderful!


    1. Hi Julie: Thanks for your input. I will add your name to the Cooking Class List. I hope you will enjoy Cafe Presse. I am just back from France as well…FYI we are serving a special salad this evening at CP with cold marinated prawns and mussel, which I hope you will like. Jim

  2. 2-3 Hours
    Late afternoon on Sundays
    Drop in classes are also great with my travel schedule
    French Onion Soups, Wine pairing, mussels, salads, pastaries, starters
    Recipes included
    Hands on

  3. Wesley Van Doren

    1.) 2-3 hrs.
    2.) 7 pm weekday evening or later Sunday eve.
    3.) Series classes
    4.) The demonstration style with occasional interactive-chands-on, Similiar to your class on Queen Anne in Autumn 2009.
    5.) Regions, Appetizers, Charcuterie, Simple Fish recipes, Pastries-like lemon thyme or cinnamon orange popovers, a basic version of a almond croissant.
    6.) Recipes included, Wine pairings, Tasting, Market visits.
    7.) Basic or ideal accoutrement’s required for the French Kitchen: utensils-pots-pans; i.e Staub versus Le Creuset, specific spices, cutting boards. Simple and tasty dishes with local ingrediants, some options that do not require hours of prep but impress.

  4. 1. 2-3 hours
    2. Sunday afternoons
    3. both are good, but with groups, make them intimate and small 8 students at most?
    4. hands on all the way, please
    5. I am gluten, dairy and egg free for health reasons. I love the soups, meats, vegetables and potato dishes. Also, love how the French understand cooking for the seasons. would love to learn more about that.
    6. I like them all.
    7. Interesting French music playing in the background
    8. Yes, please.

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