Fete de Beaujolais Nouveau 2012

What:  12th Annual Fete de Beaujolais Nouveau
When:  Thursday November 15, 2012 from 6pm till late
Where:  Le Pichet

The third Thursday of every November always means the arrival in the U.S. of the Beaujolais Nouveau, the fresh young cousin of Beaujolais that is the first new wine released each year.  At Le Pichet, it also means its time for our cafe-style celebration of the its arrival, our traditional Fete de Beaujolais Nouveau.  This year’s party will be the 12th Annual and it has become one of our favorite yearly traditions.  We hope you can make it.

If you cant make it to the party, have no fear;  both Le Pichet and Cafe Presse will be serving the Beaujolais Nouveau beginning on November 15 until supplies are gone, so stop by and try a glass.



2 thoughts on “Fete de Beaujolais Nouveau 2012”

  1. We love your Le Pichet cafe in seattle.
    Can you help us find those dishes you serve the egg, ham, cheese breakfast in?
    Name? Source for them.

    Thank you

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